Water sources in late Audust


New member
First let me apologize for writing this in English because my Spanish is very poor. On August 25th I am beginning a walk utilizing the GR 11 from Burguete/Auritz and ending at Ordesa National Park on September 13. My question is concerning the availability of water sources along the route considering the usually dry months of August and September. Are they likely to be flowing, or mostly dry? Thanks, Thomas
Hi Thomas, in Navarra is more difficult to find water for everywhere and in that dates will be warm temperatures so I think you have to carry a liter of water with you always. But don´t worry because you´ll find fountains, rivers, campings, towns... In Ordesa is water wherever you see. Have a good hiking. I´ll be there in september but In Lerida and Gerona, the end of GR11.